use of charcoal in QT


I have a QT with a two inch hippo tang, she's been in the tank for about 4 days. The QT is 10 gal, flourescent hood, heater, floss filter w/air pump, no substrate and a piece of pvc for shelter. The fish seems to be doing fine, eating and swimming, no signs of ich or disease.
I change about two gallons of water every other day. I sometimes use a gallon or two of top water frommy dispaly tank in the QT. I did notice just before one change that amonia did show in one of mywater test. Can I use charcoal or a monia remover in the filter box if I'm not treating any disease?


yes. that should be fine. if you're not medicating, you could also throw a small chunk of livrock in to break down the ammonia.


Active Member
You allready posted in new hobbiest.
I disagree i would not run carbon as it has been known to be a contributing factor in hlle in tangs, If used it has to be only for a few hours. Even then i would be nervous.