Use of Skimmer?


OK, i have a Aqua C remora skimmer for my 60 gal FOWLR.
Now, when i have my skimmer on i notice bubble dispersed everywhere in the tank. Granted thses bubbles are very small but when i turn off my skimmer the water is so nice and clear. Granted the bubbles are very small but they get annoying to watch. I cant tell if its the skimmer releasing bubbles back into the tank or if its just the bubbles caused by the MJ 1200 powerhead attached to the skimmer?
Do you guys get clear water without bubbles with a skimmer?
what can i do to have my skimmer on wihtout bubbles in tank?
the bubbles are rising also from rocks and a lil from as low as the sandbed?
is this all normal?


the remoras come with a prefilter attachment hat you can use in conjunction with a sponge that will help eliminate most of the bubbles. most hang on filteters need an attachement to reduce bubbles.


you are absolutely right Anglachel. I am soo excited, i just ordered my prefilter and it sounds like it will reduce the microbubbles, as well as skim better too. Oh not to mention it will cover my pump which will make my tank look nicer :)


Active Member
Does your skimmer produce skimmate while the bubbles are making it into the tank?
I'm currently running a Remora and notice that the only time I get microbubbles in the tank is when the skimmer isn't producing skimmate. When the skimmer is not producing skimmate (after feedings, etc.), I would guess that the bubbles aren't able to make it all the way up the chamber walls and escape back into the tank instead.
The skimmer box should do wonders in solving this problem. The return water goes through an opening at the bottom of the box, but is first filtered by a micro bubble sponge.