Use of Tap Water/Anyone using it?

al mc

Active Member
I recently gave a friend an unused 72 gallon reef ready tank. I have always used RO/DI water for my tanks but he is considering using regular tap water,especially for the initital '72 gallons' that he will add live rock that will be cured for several weeks in this DT. Any comments...Anyone done this before. Anyone use tap water that has been 'declorinated' for water changes?

mr. green

Well, as I am sure you read, RO/DI is the way to go. You will eliminate a lot of headaches and issues. I am sure some have done it and had no problems, but everyones tap water is different. Tell him to make the investment and get the RO/DI unit. The benefit of the unit will pay for itself.


Active Member
The problems associated with using tap water are not worth the convenience. You can get away with using tap water in remote, mountainous locations if the total dissolved solids concentration is relatively low, but for the most part, tap water is a disaster waiting to happen and you don't really have to wait that long. Be frank with your buddy and tell him if he wants an ugly tank to go for it; he'll regret it later.
There was a reefer on here that reported he lived in Colorado and the TDS of his tap water was 20-30 ppm (RO/DI should be 0 ppm) and what was in his tap water was all calcium and magnesium making up that 20-30 ppm, so he could get away with using tap water. Here in Philly, I would kill all of my corals and have algae growing everywhere if I used the tap water. My TDS is usually over 200 ppm and God only knows what kind of toxins, heavy metals, nitrate, ammonia, and phosphate makes up that 200 ppm.


New Member
I use what's called a "KOLD STERILE" unit. It is not quite as good as RO/DI, but it flows at 4 gallons per minute. It removes everything except phospahates. This is easily solved by placing a phospahte remover in the third chamber.
Under no circumstances should you use tap water. There is simply too much crap in tap water.

the j.o.p.

i have a friend that always uses tap for the inital set up and ro after that. he has numerous tanks over 100 gal. with no problems.


i'll use tap water if i need to mix a cup of reshwater with some kind of buffer. i usually try and keep a jug of RO/DI water around. I get it from the LFS for free. I'm working on my dad's FW tank where the phosphates are off the charts. he has been using tap water so i tested the tap water for phosphates. that was quite disgusting!


Originally Posted by scotty37
I have just treated my tap water since I have been doing this with no problems.
What do your phosphates test out at?


everyone's tap water levels are different...but i think when initally filling the tank, i think a high(er) level of phosphate, and other "bad" stuff could actually help jumpstart the cycle...then once it fully cycles use RO/DI...but for top off's make sure you use RO/DI may get away with tap but after awhile you will build up toxins in your tank that will cause more trouble...think of it this way...
you take a 100 gall tank 1 gal/day evaps for 1 year(365 days)
you use tap water with "lets Say" 1 tablespoon of bad stuff(metal, phos, poop)/gallon
when the water evaps, water evaps...not salt, not metal, not phos...just water
so you dump a pitcher of water in every day
after 3 months of this you have ~+1/3 of a gallon of pure bad stuff in your tank(and your still adding more bad water to the tank), in that time you also do 4 x 20% water changes...your still going to be left with some bad stuff, but in that time your fish/corals/algea blooms are *thriving* in it.
after a year you end up with alot of bad stuff in your water...
take a garbage can and fill it with topoff-Ro water and have it sit around...maybe throw a Ph in's much better off in the long run for your tank.


Active Member
I wouldn't use anything but RO water... however, I've been in the hobby off and on for over 16 years. And up until about 3 years ago, I always used tap water. And I never had a tank crash or any serious problems. Though I have heard many terrible stories. And I don't buy that "only if you live here" can you use tap water. I have used tap water in DFW area, Oklahoma, Abilene....
But, I would never use tap water again. Ha!


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
The problems associated with using tap water are not worth the convenience. You can get away with using tap water in remote, mountainous locations if the total dissolved solids concentration is relatively low, but for the most part, tap water is a disaster waiting to happen and you don't really have to wait that long. Be frank with your buddy and tell him if he wants an ugly tank to go for it; he'll regret it later.
There was a reefer on here that reported he lived in Colorado and the TDS of his tap water was 20-30 ppm (RO/DI should be 0 ppm) and what was in his tap water was all calcium and magnesium making up that 20-30 ppm, so he could get away with using tap water. Here in Philly, I would kill all of my corals and have algae growing everywhere if I used the tap water. My TDS is usually over 200 ppm and God only knows what kind of toxins, heavy metals, nitrate, ammonia, and phosphate makes up that 200 ppm.

You got that right! I just received our water report, 189ppm. The shop and save in my area has RO/DI 30 cents a gallon if you provide the container.


Active Member
I`ve used tap water for 14 years and bought a RO unit 6 months ago . I couldn`t believe the difference . Less algae hassles and seem to make the fish coloration better and more active . I actually have very clean well water , better than some city water and didn`t think I needed a RO unit . Definetly worth the $ !

al mc

Active Member
Thank you all for your input. I will share the message collection with my friend to try to help him make a decision. I have always used RO/DI water, but did not know if he could 'get away' with the use of tap water for the initial set up and curing process of the rock followed by top off/water changes with RO/DI. Please continue to post if you have an opinion/experience with using tap water. Thanks


used tap water for original set up and for the first month or so until we couldn't figure out why our nitrates and trites were up. Tested the water coming out of our tap and the nitrates in the tap water were over 50ppm, even after being "treated".
We now make weekly trips to the store to use their RO water.