used 240 setup? whats it worth?


hey guys sorry to bother with such a boring post but my 90 gallon i bought almost a year ago is just kinda bla to me now and my neighbor keeps coming to me to get rid of his drilled 240 gallon.he blew a fuse one day when he was gone and lost everything in it"lots of nice fish"so now to the details.its an all glass drilled 240 tank with a pine stand and canopy, he has a 75 gal under neath it for a sump. he did not cheap on anything i can see, he has an aqua medic skimmer, custom canopy he made with 3x400 watt metal halides and VHO actinics."DIY" also on the lighting". he does have a chiller for the tank for the lighting reason. the powerhead pumps he said were $500 each? however one does not work and he doesnt know whats wrong with it. ALL 250 pounds of live rock have TERRIBLE aptasia outbreaks"the worst i have ever seen, after the crash he just lets it sit" so im assuming i will have to boil it all or something to get rid of it all which means its nothing but base rock.he has a calcium reactor for it also, the tank is pretty solid. he sais he has 10 grand into it, but he easily had $1,500 in fish. very nice tangs etc. and they are all gone so what is a tank like this worth being probably 4 y rs old atleast with some stuff not working etc? i do not need the chiller or metal halides being that it will be a FOWLR tank so i can sell some of the stuff. any ideas? thanks


his starting is 4 grand. its used,needs quite a bit of cleaning, and some of the stuff like the pump etc isnt working. i mean you dont get nearly what you pay new for a used setup it just never happens. im pretty sure i am going to get it from him, just wondering where i should TRY and be for price :) but when i do, i am going to sell the lights or maybe the hwole canopy if someone wants it.chiller will go, and anything else i wont need probably the other powerhead etc as i have alot of things already.then i will sell my drilled 90 entire setup also. but anyways, just a suggestion for price! thanks


Active Member
I saw a 265 oceanic withh everything for 1300 last night stand tank skimmers etc super setup so I would say 4k is a bit steep. It was sold but the owner said he does not have the money from the guy yet so ( he is a friend of mine and said he would sell to me first one with cash gets it)
I would say your neighbor is high and I mean that in the sense that he has been hitting a bong.


yeah i was thinking that. im sure the bulbs and stuff have to be replaced and what not and like i said before big deal for me metal halides come with. well i sold all my reef stuff last week to go to FOWLR becuase now i have an 80 mile drive to work each way..wont have much time , not as much as before. so really all i care about is the tank, stand, sump,and even a skimmer i can do without i already have stuff. all his LR is crap, so 1,500 -2,000 is my max. so i will haggle with him and have some stuff up for sale/trade here within the next month or so im sure. thanks for that last post, made my day