used acronyms/abbreviations for new beginers


New Member
Here is a list of the most common used acronyms/abbreviations in the world of Reefkeeping.
LFS - Local Fish Shop
LPS - Local Pet Shop depending on use in post/message
SW - Salt Water
NSW - Natural Sea Water
FW - Fresh Water
FO - Fish Only
FOWLR - Fish Only With Live Rock
LR - Live Rock
LS - Live Sand
BB - Bare Bottom tank
DSB - Deep Sand Bed
SSB - Shallow Sand Bed
RO - Reverse Osmosis water
RO/DI - Reverse Osmosis/De-Ionized water
CC - Crushed Coral
GAC - Granulate Activated Carbon
SG - Specific Gravity/Salinity
PH - Alkalinity or Acidity of water
DKH/KH - German Degrees of Carbonate Hardness
CA - Calcium
NO3 - Nitrate
PO4 ? Phosphate
NH3 - Ammonia
NH4 ? Ammonium
MG - Magnessium
PPM - Parts per Million
PPT - Parts per Thousand
V - volts
W - watts
TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
ORP - Oxygen Reduction Potential
NO - Normal Output fluorescent lamp
T5 - Fluorescent Tube 5/8 of an inch in diameter
T8 - Fluorescent Tube 8/8 of an inch in diameter
MH - Metal Halide lighting
DE - Double Ended metal halide bulb
SE - Single Ended metal halide bulb
K - Kelvin rating
PAR - Photosynthetically Available Radiation - useful light to coral
VHO - Very High Output fluorescent lamp
PC - Power Compact fluorescent lamp
GPH/gph - Gallons Per Hour
LPH/lph - Litres Per Hour
LPS - Large Polyped Stony corals
SPS - Small Polyped Stony corals
BTA - Bubble Tip Anemone
RTBA - Red/Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
CBS - Coral Banded Shrimp
CBB - Copper Band Butterfly fish
PB - Powder Blue Tang
HLLE - Head and Lateral Line Erosion - fish disease
RTN - Rapid Tissue Necrosis - coral disease


New Member
no problem i thought it would help like my self trying to under stand the reef lingo can be a pain


Active Member
Originally Posted by dcoyle11
how about "bump" what does that mean?

it means move the thread to the top for recognition... also commonly used to boost post count...