"Used" live rock questions


New Member
I am looking into buying some more (About 50 lbs) live rock for my tank (72gallon). The live rock has been set up in a reef tank about 10 years. Does live rock ever get too old? What should I look for to see if it is "healthy?" If I remove it from the tank it is currently in and transport it to my tank in water can I just put it straight in the display tank without worrying about curing?


Active Member
There's no real way to tell how good LR really is. If it is well established, and has coralline growth i would say taht that's a a good sign. you might also want to take his more porous pieces if you have a choice. One other thing that might be a good indicator is looking at the live rock after the lights have been off it for a while. You should see a multitude of pods, bristleworms, etcs.....critters.
If the LR is currently in circulating saltwater, and will not be out of water for more than an hour you'll be good. When you transport wrap the live rock in moist newspaper. If you're travelling more than an hour or so I would transport in water.


Keep in mind that by adding that much liverock at one time, you will probably get an ammonia spike. This happened to me in a 220 gallon and led to an ich outbreak. Try to keep the LR in circulating water and I would transport it submersed. You will still get some die off, though. If you have a qt, you should place the LR in there and add it slowly. Personally, I think more established LR is better and generally has more growth on it. Good luck.


Active Member
No question established aquarium live rock can have more growth on it, but not a wider variety.
I'm a huge fan of curing your own live rock. You can baby it and really add a nice range of flora and fauna that you won't get from old rock.


New Member
Thanks to everyone that has posted an opinion. I think it is all good information.
It makes sense that over time some of the lifeforms on the rock would tend to take over. can old live rock be seeded with new lifeforms from fresh liverock? Will old live rock be less bennificial to my tank, or just not have as many interesting things living on it?