Used Sand


New Member
A friend of mine just gave me close to 100lbs of used aragonite. I'm setting up a 55 gallon, and was wondering if I should even try to clean this stuff? Or should I just go out and buy a couple of new bags?


Ask your friend if he ever used copper in the tank. If he has, that sand is pretty much usefull only for maybe a kids sandbox. Copper ions will be adsorbed by the sand particles, and in a new tank, will very slowly be released into the water column, a very bad thing to happen. If its free of copper, you oughtta be able to use it without too many problems I would think.


I f you bought a used tank. There really is no weay to know if the person used copper right? I bought my tank used. I did not ask the guy at the time. I am sure if he knew it was bad he would say he did not use it anyways. So is there any way to tell? does it seep into the a the acrylic of the tank?


You would not risk buying a used tank because of the possibility of copper use?
I was just asking because I would like to know if maybe he did or not. I will get it tested. :D
I was talking to someone at my lfs and I was looking at a percula clown and they said that they are more proin to getting ick and said that I might want to add some copper to the water. I did not get the fish yet or add the copper to the water. That just did not sound right to me. :D


HMmm... I never heard of clowns being prone to ich. Tangs, yes. I would never put copper in my tank. You can treat ich other ways. Try to set up a quarantine tank under your display tank. It will come in handy if you ever have an ich outbreak. Also, if you feed your fish garlic soaked food, you are helping them to increase their immune system, therefore they are better able to fight ich off. In essense, all fish have ich...but when they are stressed, it just takes over, and they can't fight it off. If you do have an outbreak, you can use hyposalinity in the quarantine tank.


Thank You. I just htought I would share the knoledge of some lfs. Or what they try to tell you. :D If it was not for this board and learning myself I would have a bad set up if I listened to my lfs. :D
I have talked with people about a q tank. That is good to know.
I did not know about the garlic soaked food though. Do you just buy it that way or what?


No, either just buy some fresh garlic, and crush it up, and let the food soak in the juice for awhile before feeding it to the fish, or buy some garlic extract...from a health food store, and put a drop in their food, let it soak a few minutes, and feed it to them. Some do it every other day, some weekly. What ever works for you. HTH