useing an emperor 400 as a refug.?


i have an emperor 400. i've read stories about people useing their hang on the back filters as little refugs. i had not thought to much about this until a freind of mine suggested i try it. has anyone tried this, and did it work.
i only have a 29 gal. so it may be big enough as a refug. also will any type light work on a refug. or does it have to be saltwater lights.
if noone has tried this what are your oppinions on this?
thanks rick
also where do you get the alge to put in the refug. :confused:


Hey i got an emperor too :D i guess it could be used as a refuge. it is rather small for it but you could get away with for lighting i think youll at least need power compact(pc)for it that would allow you to keep chetomephora and other cool algaes only problem i see with it is most refuges have a couple inches of sand in them. you might not be able to do that because it might choke up the filter or blow all over the place unless you changed the idea was always to to make my emperor a sponge home because its so0o0o dark and alot of flow passes thru there. have you thought about other methods like a gravity fed refuge?.hope this helps!