User CP question for Mods


Active Member
Why does my name say Yellow Tang under it?
I tried to change it from PonieGirl to my real name and it says Yellow Tang, now.
I don't care for those fish and I'm embarrassed to say this distresses me.


Active Member
It says "Michele"
Previously there was a default title that changed according to post count, but now you can change it.


Active Member
Sorry and thank you. I guess it changes past posts? because I believe it said yellow tang. I must be losing it.


Active Member
I'm hoping for a moderator to check back in, I don't want to start another thread..if I have some duplicate threads in the reef tank board, I apologize. Apparently I am having some browser trouble. Three letters AOL


Active Member
Yes, concerning re-attaching a clove polyp to a rock. I posted the question in the reef forum and it said it was a duplicate thread. You would think I have embarrassed myself enough for any single 24 hour period, wouldn't you?
Confession: Both of my daughters are in Japan
this week and next and I seem to have a bit too much time on my hands.
Bottom line: If I have duplicate threads, please delete and forgive. Not necessarily in that order?