Using a Refractometer and My Reading...


My friend gave me a Portable Refractometer. I followed the instructions and my reading came out to be:
1.030 SG
40% PPT
I know the SG is the Salinity of salt but what is the PPT?
Is this a good reading and how is my water quality? What level should it be at?
(Water has been cycling for 3 weeks now)


Active Member
Most folks keep sg at 1.024-1.025. I keep mine at 1.024. In my opinion, it shouldn't be over 1.025. SG is specific gravity and ppt is the percent of salt in the water. How that is figured, I don't know.


Active Member
ppt= parts per thousand.
Just like your test kits are ppm or meq/l.
ppm= part per million.
meq/l= milliequivalents per liter.
I like to keep mine at 1.025. I think a lot of folks like 1.026. I just like 1.025, IDK why.
If your tank is cycling then I would think it would be real easy to lower it since you don't have any fish or corals. Have you added any top off water since you got it going?


Active Member
The mnemonic device is: "35, stay alive." I.e. 1.026ish.
Make sure as well, that the Refractometer is calibrated correctly. Measurements are temperature dependent, in other words water, like air, is denser when it's colder ('til it's frozen, but that's another thing). Generally, it should be calibrated to read 0 w/ distilled water at 68°F, but that may vary by manufacturer of the device.