using hold fast..

mr. tuna

Active Member
I have just glued my branching frogspawn coral with
Hold Fast about half an hour ago. He was at the edge of a rock, so i was scared that my flame angel will bump into it,
so i glued it, and i placed it on the rock.
Any body ever used hold fast?
Or glued their corals?
Good? Bad?


Active Member
ive only used it on shrooms and they say "make sure both surfaces are dry" well that wont happen. anyway no it didnt work and ill try super glue gel

mr. tuna

Active Member
Not sure what its made of, but it is like a type of
clay, and you mold it until white, then you place it on what ever.
I dont know if i should also glue my hammer because what if it grows really big, and starts compressing against the rock.

mr. tuna

Active Member
ok thanks. :)
But, what should i do if i was stuck with the siduation that
i said in the reply right before this one. ( if it gets too big, and i glued it to a rock piled under others, so i cant take the rock out?


Once the epoxy sets it is there for good unless you break it off with a chisel or something. Try and place the coral like mine.. look at the pic
As you can see the white epoxy is in different locations throughout besides the frogspawn.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Ya, mine is placed also like that.
but, mine is growing too big for that spot, and will get bigger.
What would i do when he gets sooo big which will not be
so long? When i mean big.. i mean like he taked up my whole
center of the tank were it would touch other coral and sting them. Would they sting corals within an inch or 2 in distance?