aquarius 1
I have a 75 gallon fish only tank without liverock or livesand. The tank finished cycling a little bit over a month ago and as soon as I added my fish, within days I had whitespot.....again. Because I was so worried about my Koran he was was put in quarantine and is being treated with copper along wiht my hippo thats also in there. Still in the main tank though, I have a niger trigger and a pair of percs. My salinity was originally at 1.018 and I've dropped it way down over the course of the past two weeks. Now here's my problem. I'm having difficulty determining what my actual salinity is...I have two floating glass hydrometers, a Living Sea one and a Tropic Marine one. The Tropic Marine one doesn't read below 1.018 so its basically useless. But I've tested the two against each other and the Living Sea hydrometer reads 3 below the Tropic Marine. Now using the Living Sea one to measure my currently salinity, its reading at 1.005-1.006, meaning it would be equivalent to approximately 1.008-1.009 on the Tropic Marine one. Which hydrometer should I go by? Today is the first full day at that salinity and all of my fish are still covered in spots. I really don't want to lose these fish but I also don't want to drop the salinity too much lower. How do I get an accurate reading without dropping hundreds on a high power refractometer?