Using just a bakpak2 ...


I was curious about this, i have a 55gal fowl(about 40 lbs or lr) and a few corals. i currently have a magnum350 canister filter and a great running bakpak 2 skimmer. do i need to run my canister 24/7? can i just use it like once a week for a whole day and just use my skimmer all the time?
+'s and -'s.
Thanks all


I am planning a similar setup. You can run a tank with only a skimmer and LR for filtration, as long as there's plenty of movement.
Ive got a 46 gal FOWLRLS 49.5 lbs of LR and Im only using the CPRBakpak2r and 3 Max-Jets
2-900's and 1 1200 I try to relocate the power heads every couple of weeks and so far so good. Only problem Ive had from BAKPAK is the tiny bubbles and getting the collection cup adjusted just right. Good luck :)