Using old live rock


New Member
I have a fairly new tank that needs more rocks and
I found some old live rock on the ground in the alley behind a pet store. The snow had melted the day before so I am sure it has probably been frozen. I soaked it for 72hrs in freshwater and no signs of odor or visual contaminets. Anybody know if it would be safe to add to my tank? I did notice some green alge on one after the soaking.


Staff member
Well, its not live any more. I'd suggest a soaking in bleech and then thoroghly rinse, rinse, rinse it. Put it in your tank in about a wk. If you already have LR in your tank, this peice will become "live" again eventually.


i had some old live rock that sit in the garage for a long time and i put it back into my tank and its fine tha was about 2 years ago . try not to use the bleach though, it can have a bad effect on the fish if its not throughly washed off. my friend did that and it killed all her fish out in 2 days! boil it it hot water alone it will be fine . good luck and happy tankin!


Active Member
found in the alley?? i'd be very cautious about things like oil from the road, the roof tops, and from anyone whose car may have been leaking(gas and anti freeze) in the previous year, not to mention road salt and slop from cars, run off from the sides of the building (old buildings which have been paited or have any asbesstos insulation, or even soaps and detergents) and anything else that may be a terrible pollutant in your area, although these things are not visible, they may be present and all you need is a little bittty bit in your tank, and i f i thought long about it , i could probably come up with alot more
i dont' think that i would,but if you do e very cautious