Using Sand????


I was told that you can you Quikrete play sand for the bottom of your tank. Is this true?? I saw it was $2 for a 50lb bag @ Home Depot..


Active Member
Some will say not to use it and some will. I have some in my 90 currently. It is not very pleasing on the eyes. You can use it if you have to like I did, but I suggest you look around more to see if you can find agronite sand at a good price.


Yes, but make sure you see what the sand looks like. Some sand from hd turns a brownish color when wet. Does not look good at all.


Active Member
I would search the message boards for southdown or yard right sand. Being in ohio it should be kinda easy to get it. I heard of a HD in columbus and cleveland having some a while back but dont know about now. Good luck.


If you cant find Southdown at HD, you can get 100% silica playsand that has been washed and sterilized. I bought 200 pounds of that stuff, then seeded it with 40 pounds of Aragalive. It has worked great, an did not turn brown. It actually just looks like beach sand.
I'm guessing that Quickcrete is a cheaper grade of sand, and is not 100% silica. The darker components in low grade sand will have mineral content that you may not want in you tank.
Use either Southdown or 100% silica playsand. From what I've heard, Southdown is the best.


Thanks, I found some 100% and mixed it with what I have in already. Looks pretty good. Damn 180 takes A LOT of sand!!


I found a nursery in my area today that carries silicate based sand. I called my lfs and was told not to use it, it would cause algae blooms. I asked the nursery and they told me that the sand they have is white. Now, who is correct?



Originally posted by JRein40806
I found a nursery in my area today that carries silicate based sand. I called my lfs and was told not to use it, it would cause algae blooms. I asked the nursery and they told me that the sand they have is white. Now, who is correct?

Read this:
Oh by the way I hope you meant silica sand and not silicate sand.