uv filter?



i have an aggressive fish only 72 gallon bowfront with a amiracle wet/dry and a protien skimmer...lots of live rock and live sand. a bursa trigger,niger trigger and a "i hate life" domino damsel from hell. i also have a serpant starfish and a bunch of crabs and snails (no my trigger dont eat my crabs..i keep them well fed). i tend to overfeed a bit cuz my triggers are always begging. my question is would a uv sterilizer help my tank? my paremeters are fine and thanks to my cleanup crew and my bursa sifting the sand my algea is fine..little on the glass...but nothing crazy. would the uv sterilizer cut back on water changes or help in any way? ive seen a few units that i liked and have heard they were worth checking out...your thoughts?