uv light/ how long to notice a difference in tank


9watt double helix, useing on my 90 gal. I am useing a 600 rio
and it sucks/loud ,cheap product.
I really think this uv is to small for a 90, but as you know the
the company rates it for a 90, where do they come up with these figures. Anyway how long do you think the uv will start to be effective.
new fish


Active Member
Depends...What are you expecting it to do...??
It's probably "killing" stuff already as it flows through the system...
If you have it to fight "parasites" you still need to wait for them to go through their "life cycle"...it will only kill them in the "free swimming" stage...
If you fighting 'algae" it is killing the free floating spores, but you still need to deal with your "nutrient" problems, or more will grow...

tony detroit

Active Member
For parasites, go as slow as you can get the pump, restrict it a bit or get a smaller pump. You need a really slow and a long contact time flow to help stop the regeneration of parasites.



Originally posted by Squidd
Depends...What are you expecting it to do...??
It's probably "killing" stuff already as it flows through the system...
If you have it to fight "parasites" you still need to wait for them to go through their "life cycle"...it will only kill them in the "free swimming" stage...
If you fighting 'algae" it is killing the free floating spores, but you still need to deal with your "nutrient" problems, or more will grow...

I read that you uv can play 2 roles: sterilize the water {clarity}
or fight water born parisites{ that I dont have a problem} helps reduce alage: this all depends on water flow thru the uv
new fish


Active Member
Yes it will help with algae but it would be a good idea to find out why you are getting algae so bad. What kind of algae are you getting? It won't help with hair algae at all.