You might want to search some of my past UV posts.
UV sterilizers work by compromising the molecular structure of an organism. The larger the organism, the harder it is for UV to kill. UVs are very effective at killing viruses, bacteria and unicellular algae. They don't work well on parasites (ich) because of their size.
Exposure time is whats important in UV sterilization. To kill ich, the exposure time has to be 10x what the unit is rated for. At that speed, the ich is multiplying faster than its being killed.
Maybe this will make sense... You get into a tanning bed (which is UV). Within minutes, any virus,or bacteria that is on your skin will be killed, as viruses and bacteria are tiny.
If you have lice, they would die after you are already getting badly sunburned. If you had fleas, they would die right around the time your skin needs medical attention from the sunburn. If you stay in the tanning bed for a day or two, YOU would be killed by the UV light.
Summary- UVs are good, but not for parasites.