UV Light


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by steve620 http:///t/395670/uv-light#post_3523168
Will a UV Light do anything about HIGH Nitrate's
Hi, If you are using API test kits...you most likely don't have high nitrates (NO3) Those kits are famous for false nitrate readings.
Nope not a thing
. All a UV does is kill the tiny creatures you paid so much for in your rock, unless you turn it off at night. The UV will kill off hair algae spores. High nitrates can be battled with frequent water changes, an Aquaripure filter, macoalgae, or a turf scrubber. The easiest one IMO is using the Aquaripure filter, I have two, one for each tank.
The nice thing about the Aquaripure is that the only thing you ever have to do is inject a tiny amount of vodka each week, and make sure the drip line is working. No cleaning, no hassles. Cost for it is a little expensive if you have a large tank. Always get the one for your size tank or it will cloud the water, when it comes to filters, folks always want to go big, it isn't a good thing to do in this instance.
Macroalgae works great, but it takes some time before it really works to remove all of the nitrates (and phosphates, an added bonus). You put the macros in, and when it out grows, you remove that extra (called harvesting) and in doing so, you export the NO3 and PO4 out of the system. This is the cheapest method, and it really works.
The turf scrubber works the same way macros do...but the screen has to be cleaned once a week without fail for it to work. You can't purchase a scrubber, you have to make your own. It also removes PO4 (phosphates) cleaning something once a week is IMO too much work, and the gizmo is not easy to remove, and set back up...it's a pain in the neck.
Stepping up on the water changes is the usual route, but I'm not able to do that, I pay a lady to come in and do it for me. Most folks are lazy or too busy, and don't want to have to mess with the tank that often, it costs in salt mix as well...not cheap.


Yes I do use API and my nitrates are thru the roof, I tried Micro Algae in the sump I do TWO water changes a month I feed the fish every other day , I have 7 small fish left. I have some type of plant growing in the tank that I did not put there. When I do put micro algae in the sump it seems to only last about two months. I'm at the point that I'm ready to give up this hobby.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by steve620 http:///t/395670/uv-light#post_3523180
Yes I do use API and my nitrates are thru the roof, I tried Micro Algae in the sump I do TWO water changes a month I feed the fish every other day , I have 7 small fish left. I have some type of plant growing in the tank that I did not put there. When I do put micro algae in the sump it seems to only last about two months. I'm at the point that I'm ready to give up this hobby.

API says you have off the chart high nitrates when nothing at all is wrong.
How big is your tank, and how many fish have you lost?
Your macros are probably dying because with you doing 2 WCs a month... your water is pristine, and there isn't enough phosphates and nitrates to keep the macros that feed on it alive. You should feed your fish once a day. If you overcrowd the tank the fish will fight, and if you are only feeding them every other day, they are in a frenzy for food and kill each other off for that.
We all have stuff growing in our tanks, it comes on the rock...Post a picture and we will be happy to identify it, and tell you if it's a good hitchhiker or a bad one.
You need to invest in a better test kit. Salifert ... or ... Seachem are good ones to get. Seachem tests come with a regent to be able to double check and be sure your readings are correct.


I have lost 5 fish so far, my tank is a 65 gal. Here are pictures. I did not plant the plant you see in the picture.



Get a different test kit for nitrates. I highly recommend SeaChem
Can you tell us a little about your tank:
How old is the tank?
What kind of filtration?
What fish did you lose?
What fish to you still have?
In what order were fish added/lost?
What do you have for a clean up crew?


I've had this tank for two years in july. I have a sump with a Skimmer using a sock filter. I just put in 2 turbo snails, and about 10 Astrea snails. I lost Blue Tang, Yellow Tang, Fox Head, Bufferfly and I just lost a Clown. I now have 2 Pajama Cardinals , 3 Clown, 1 Green Chromis. they seem to be doing well. I did not have all these fish in my 65 gal tank at the same time. I just checked my Nitrates this morning and they are RED. all the other levels are good.


Active Member
Looks like you have some Caulerpa (the feathery looking stuff) and then some nuisance anemones; majano and Aiptasia. You will want to get rid of those ASAP or they can take over the entire tank.


Well-Known Member
About the plants...LOL, that you didn't plant.
Caulerpa (the feather looking stuff) is a macroalgae, and macros absorb nitrates (NO3) and phosphates (PO4) which is very good for your system. You have to watch this type of caulerpa, because if any of the leaves looks like it's getting soft, or turning white...remove it immediately, as it will go sexual and make your tank water look like milk. Other then having to keep an eye out for that event...it's a very good hitchhiker. It will grow and grow...remove the over growth by pruning/trimming it back...this is called "harvesting" as you remove all that overgrowth, you also remove the PO4 and NO3 from the system.
get some stuff called Aptasia X or Joes juice to kill the aptaisa and majano. Don't mess with it because it will release spores and go EVERYWHERE, and they grow fast and spread like a plague. Once you have the juice squirt it right in the disk without touching it...it will melt and die right before your eyes. peppermint shrimp eat the small aptasia. You could get a couple of those, they are great as part of the CUC since they also eat the wasted food that gets into the rock. I put peps in both of my tanks..... and no more aptasia.


I do see some leave's that are white, i will remove them. I just got the Aptasia X. I will be getting another test kit to see if I get a better reading of the Nitrate. Would you say that the filtering system I have is good.


I have no idea, after about a year it just started to grow, I never put it in the tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sn8kbyt http:///t/395670/uv-light#post_3523315
What is the other type of plant in his first picture? I have some of that as well in my tank.
Go to Golf Coast Ecosystems, and you can find any kind of maroalgae to identify...anyway from what I can tell, the red is called Gracilaria.
Any filtration is good except the under gravel type. The only thing a filter really does is catch the big floating stuff. Carbon will polish the water, and help absorb toxins. Each filter has it's advantages and disadvantages. You have to select what is best for what you want to do. To be honest the sump system is awesome IF...and I do mean IF you have a drilled tank. The overflows are a pain to keep going, drilled tank would be much easier.
The canisters run silent, the media you can add to a canister is awesome...I also like the spray bar for freeing up my power heads instead of pointing it at the surface. The big draw back is that if you forget about them, and that's easy to do...you create a little nitrate factory. The bacteria colony becomes a part of the ecosystem, and removing it all at once can imbalance the system and cause ammonia spikes.
HOBs are super easy to swap media, but they hold very little, and they are loud, sumps are too. Personally I like the noise, it sounds like a little creek running which I find very relaxing. However right in your living room where you want to watch TV, or your bedroom where the spouse can't sleep with the nose, could get a little annoying


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/395670/uv-light#post_3523327
Looks like halimeda and feather caulerpa
Oh...the other green stuff... I didn't look again at the picture, and got two threads mixed up...This one and Noobzilla. Thanks for fixing my mistake. There was a thread where Noobzilla said that he had plants that he didn't plant, and he had the red garcilaria and some feather looking caulerpa.