UV or Ozone


I am in the process of turning my 150g reef into an agressive tank. My old 25wt UV broke, so I need to get a new one. I dont want to deput if a UV is nessisary or not, I feel they only help if anything. But what i wanted to know is about Ozone...
I have read alot about them, but still uncertain if one will truly be a beneifit. Does anyone on here think in my case will using ozone be better then a UV. I have a asm g3 skimmer, so im not 100% sure that is safe for ozone????


Active Member
if ur planningon only have fish i wouldnt run an ozone....
u could get the same effect for what u want running carbon once in a while to polish your water....
dont get me wrong ozone works good when used correctly but it can be a pain to set up and u only want to run it once in a while...
i think for your application uv would be best it would be helpful in preventing any fish born diseases or other free floating pathogens bacteria and algae spores
stick with the uv and your current skimmer it will be good!


thats what I was thinking. Ozone would be better, but its more $$$$, harder to setup and keep running. A UV is much easier. Plus I run chem-pure 24/7 in a fluval 304, and carbon for 24hrs the day after my waterchange. works very very well, recommend***

tony detroit

Active Member
I don't know how you guys figure ozone takes so long to set up.
Let me guess, you're the guys commenting on ozone that have never run it before.
You can set up ozone in about ten minutes unless you're a little on the slow side.
How do you figure carbon does what ozone does? It doesn't. Ozone reacts with far more than carbon does.


I was meaning the cost and extra work. Meaning is ozone worth all of that compared to UV with carbon and chem-pure. Ozone is better, but is it all worth it for my tank is the question


Active Member
yeah ozone is worth it in a reef system but for fish only why bother with the extra cost?
ozone does take out a lot more proteins and waste floating around in the water stream to make it a lot cleaner but at the same time why not just run some carbon ....
bottom line ozone is good for sps if u need ultra pure water otherwise i wouldnt bother imo
i dont currently run ozone but i know a lot of other reefers in my area that do and i do agree its beneicial but not so important in his application thats all