uv ster.


how often do I need to clean uv steralizer? It dosent say in instructions,it just says when you clean & then says how 2 take apart. :)


Active Member
We clean ours once a week when we do all our tank maintnance.(waterchanges, filter cleaning, etc.) Lisa
Wait a sec, do you mean the sterlizer or skimmer? I was talking about the skimmer, I'm not sure about the uv lite.
[ October 20, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]


Active Member
Normally you would clean it when you change the bulb. Each Mfg gives you a life rating on the bulb (on mine they are 10 months- due now to be replaced). When I take the bulbs out I will see if there is any buildup in the part of the case I can see and if so rinse it and use a small brush. If not then just change bulb put back on check for leaks and go with it.