UV Steralizer

who dey

Active Member
Recomended by out local LFS, that we get a UV steralizer to cure which we think is the start of ICK. What do you all think? He recommended we give this a try since we just noticed the ICK. He thought it would help clear it up, along with a cleaner shrimp.


From what I have heard, hyposalinty is the best way to cure ich, and it has worked for me. UV Sterilizers will get most (don't think it is all, but I may be wrong) of the free swimming Ich. Once it is on the fish a UV Sterilizer will not get rid of it. So in reality, UV Sterilizers are more preventative and may keep your outbreak controlled (if that is possible) by killing the swimming parasites. It will not cure ich on your fish though. A UV Sterilizer will also kill some of the beneficial bacteria etc. in your system. That is a price you have to pay. It doesn't pick and choose what it "sterilizes".
I can see the benefits of having one, and I have contemplated getting one when I have the extra cash. It will not get rid of Ich on your fish though.
I am not an expert on Sterilizers so if anyone else know elsewise please speak up.

who dey

Active Member
thanks for your thoughts. It is one of those you never know situations. we are not positive that it's Ick so we thought we would be proactive and see what happens. Anyone else have thoughts????


From a "proactive" standpoint it probably couldn't hurt. Just keep in mind killing some of your beneficial bacteria. Hope that helps a bit. Good Luck!

who dey

Active Member
OUr fish is looking much better today, 24 hours of the UV has at least shown to help what we thought might be ICK

who dey

Active Member
Hope that UV Sterilizer is still working as well as the first three days and Slim, Nemo & Nemis are all doing great!!