UV sterelizers


I recently got a used uv sterelizer, people have told not keep on the tank 24/7, as it may do may harm than good. others say only to sterelize the water I use for changes. any suggestion?


A UV will kill bacteria, but first it will kill free floating algea, then free floating bacteria but it would require a longer hang time, and then finally parisites, and thats the tricky part getting the water to stay in there long enough to kill the parisites and then once again it is only the free floating parisites, not the ones on the fish or that are in the substrate.
I really don't think a UV is a good idea for any REEF tank. Why kill your plankton? If you think that a UV cost about what a QT tank would than you may have found a cheap UV, but something cheap in this hobby might just be that, cheap and not worth it.
It can help control algea but why not fix the problem at the source instead of putting a band aid on it.
My opinion


If you have a reef, I agree with Thomas. If you have a fish only type aquarium, and choose to run uv. I see no reason to run uv other than 24-7. UV has its benefits in a fish only system.
It's all about preference and experience. You can try it out, but I'd agree that you shouldn't run it all the time. I have a 155 bowfront reef, and I have a 18watt UV on it, but I only run it like, a day a week. It's not enough to really make a huge impact, but any more will be counter productive. However, on the other hand, if you're maintaining your tank quality very well then the immune system on your fish should be able to fight most of the parasites off. Always remember though, marine Ick is something every marine fish has, it's in their system; not the actual ick itself, but rather the molecules and DNA for it. Its just the Ick becomes a problem when it develops externally and spreads. It's like when humans sweat, we stink, and it affects people around us, heehhe, but it's more deadly with marine fish!!!