UV sterilizer kill copepods?


I have a 72 gallon reef tank with a mandarin fish. If I installed a UV sterlizer, would it kill the copepods in my tank and eventually starve my mandarin? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">

mr . salty

Active Member
Any pods that are unfortunate enough to get sucked through it would most likly die.But this possable death can be avoided by using a prefilter over the input of the powerhead/pump that supplies the UV....Another Question that comes to mind is,Why put a UV on a REEF tank???? Most reefers do NOT use UV.They kill off many of the nutrients,and free floating food that corals feed on...


Mr. Salty, thanks for your reply.
The only reason I was even considering a UV sterilizer on a reef tank is because I was thinking about putting in a Powder Blue Tang. Everything I've read says that a UV sterilizer would help this sensitive fish. However, I am worried about the impact it would have on the rest of the tank.
Do you think I could do without the UV sterilizer?


well if it doesns't kill the pods it won't kill the ick. UV aren't very effective anyway except for multi tanks. The ick drops of the fish to the substrate. You need a large high flow uv which most don't buy. Poweder blue are hard to keep in smaller tanks if they are crowded if they are stressed they will have ick, its hard to find a good one also they don't shipp well


I'm so confused!
My LFS swears by the UV sterlizers. They have them in all their tanks, both fish only and reef tanks. I trust my LFS advice on most things as the owner of the store has been in the business over 20 years and has the best/healthiest fish, corals, and inverts in my city. Today I asked him if the UV sterilizer would kill the copepods in my tank. He said they would be killed if they passed thru the sterilizer, but he said that very few copepods would pass thru it in the first place as they will keep to the live rocks.
What should I do? I need more advice on this!


read your post. very few pods will travel through the uv is correct.? but somewill and they may die. But in the same sence ick is a bug = very few will travel through the uv cuz the live in the sand.(after droping off the fish) Same thing. LFS sell products uv is good when going tank to tank.other wise its a waste. Unles they are large and have a high flow then it will kill alot of pods and alot of ick. PB tangs aren't easy to keep they like large tanks a uv isn't gonna keep it healthy if you don't provide room, low aggression with other fish,lots of good foods, and finding a healthy one.


I have a UV steralizer on each of my three tanks, all reef. I have to add a little more phytoplankton, but the idea that I have perfectly clear, crystal clean water is worth it. The only ick I had was before I bought the steralizers. I have had them all for a umber of years and have never had a parasitic or bacterial infection. I also have never had anything die of malnutrition. Actually, I have never has an invert die. The parasite that causes ick live in the substrate only during their infant stage. Once they reach adulthood, they look for a host. That host is usually a fish with a compromised immune system. Lets face it, all fish are stressed out at one time or another, but even a stressed out fish can fight off a small attack from a parasite. The UV steralizer guarantees that an adult parasite will not reach your fish. The small amount that I spend on extra nourishment is worth much then dead fish, or worse yet, trying to catch the fish among 300lbs of live rock so that I can quaranteen them. Like I said, over 5 years with a UV steralizer, not one infection and never a loss of an invert. Show me the proof that a UV steralizer is bad for my reef tanks!


UV in a reef. it won't guarrente any ick death other wise there would be a greater succes with uv. killing ick, Think about it for it to be successful it needs a high kill. It will kill all bugs in your reef. maybe not all but it does kill. Ick on fish the best way to treat is qtank. If you add a fish to a tank and its not getting the right foods and is alway fighting a uv isn't gonna help. it will streess an still get ick. I've seen many clear crystle clear tanks with out uv. The only way a uv will clear a tank is kill alga spores. But if you have an alga problm a uv isn't going to solve poor husbantry= adding to much additives addint to much food using poor water ect..Sure alot of ppl like uv but they aren't needed with good hubantry practices for alga. The poster is asking isf it will kill pods it will bottom line if its effective at what its doing =killing parasites which are bugs it will kill alot of pods. If it doesn't then it's not doing whats it was bought for so why have it. its kinda redundant imo


I am not so sure about the UV, but why not use garlic to help prevent ICK?? It gets rid of ICK if your fish will eat it. I swear by Garlic !!
Good luck


Garlic is still debatable. Healty fish can rid it on its own. Theres many ppl who have had full blown outbreak and garlic didn't help. But thats another topic. The poster is asking if UV will kill pods. I say if its doing its job and is effective it will. If it doesn't why bother with one. For a uv to have high kill you need to get a large on so you can have a higher flow and a wiper is recommended. If it doesn't kill pods effectively it won't kill ick either. they aren't selective. The bigger pods may have a chance but my maderin eats pod sthe size of pepper flake but it also eats brine shrimp.


Thank you for all the replies.
I know there are a number of ways to prevent/treat ick, but I was most interested in knowing whether or not the UV sterilizer would kill the copepods in my tank. I don't want my Mandarin fish to go hungry!
I suppose if I went with a UV sterilizer I could always try breeding copepods to supplement my tank? Anyone tried this?


I guareente you having a uv isn't going to prevent a PB tang from getting ick if it's gonna it will.= strees or unhealthy fish. I know your confused but if you gonna get a uv or even if you don't a refugium is always a good idea. Mine is full of pods it looks like a swarm of bugs full of worms and snails so uv or not a refugium is always good. You can grow caulerpa for you fish and it will help filter. if you manerine gets small or starves you can put it in there.