UV Sterilizer question

I was just wondering what are the pros/cons of a UV sterilizer in a reef tank. I have a 75 gallon FOWLR tank and am planning to turn it into a reef tank but wasn't sure if I should leave the uv in or just take it out of the tank. thanks


I bought one a while back and never installed it. I changed mine to reef as well, added a refugium and unsure if it is worthwhile or even will be benificial. So hopefully somebody can answer this question, because it is sitting in the closet collecting dust.

al mc

Active Member
Pros: 'may' break the life cycle of Ich, will help control other parasites and bacteria thru sterilization...BUT, the water flow thru them must be slow to provide the contact time needed for the UV light to do it's job
Con: May remove/kill some of the micro organism/fauna that help to have a healthy reef tank.
I use them....I feel my reef tanks are healthier with them....but who knows?


i'm not sure if there are any cons besides that they burn electriciy. they work well for what they were designed to do, which isn't to control parasites. they are meant to knock out algae blooms.


Active Member
IMO, they don't make up for proper maintenance and QT.
It is imperative that you have the proper flow rate through them (which is actually quite low in many cases), or they are completely and utterly worthless.
I definitely don't consider them a necessity by any means, and would invest the money in a QT system, RO/DI or other equipment if anyone is buying one.
If you already have it...I probably still wouldn't use it. By now it may need a new bulb as well. I am generally just not a fan.


Active Member
MHO it's 50/50......flow must be properly regulated and bulb maintenance is a must as stated earlier, but don't see any real negatives to them if setup properly.


IME the water in my tank appears to be clearer with fewer floating specks when the UV is running correctly. But otherwise I can't say I notice any difference between number of organisms between when it is running and when it is not.