UV sterilizer question.........

I'm having problems with ich in my tank and hear that it doesn't hurt to run a strong sterilizer to help kill the parasite, so here I am. I'm guessin i'm going to purchase the twister 6x for my 80 gallon tank. Now here is my question. A worker at the lfs said that I could tie this into my flual 405 filter. I have the ribbed hose coming off of it and wondered if this is possible. Would I have to go to a rubber hose to make it work? I'm new to the hobby and I realize I don't have the best filteration right now but I need to make what I hae work without spending a ton of money. I figure if I can tie this into my fluval it will save me a hundred dollars on a pump (from my lfs) Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks


Active Member
Okay two things...
First, to clarify... a UV unit will NOT solve an ich outbreak. They will help to some extent to prevent an ich outbreak from occuring, but once the parasite gets a foothold, they exist in such numbers that there is no way a UV unit can bring them under control. Besides, ich lives in the substrate or on the fish, it spends very little time in it's life cycle in the water column where it can get picked up and sent through the unit. Long story short, if you have a ich outbreak, don't bother with a UV at this point... too late.
Second, the LFS is giving you some very bad advice to tell you hook them up to your canister filter. The larger the organism you are trying to kill with UV, the longer the organism must be exposed to the UV light (dwell time/contact time). Ich is very big compared to bacteria, algae spores, etc. It requires very long time periods in front of the lamp to be affected. For parasites, I recommend 5gph/watt of UV power. So for a 6x, which is an 18W unit, no more than about 90-100 gph. A canister filter provides far more than 100gph of flow, so you won't kill any ich with such a setup. Instead, you need to either setup a bypass valve rig to shunt the majority of the flow past the unit so only about 100gph goes through, or you need to set up a dedicated pump to feed the unit and return water to the tank. Many people use a maxi-jet powerhead for this purpose.