UV sterilizer questions

Do you recommend using one on a reef/FO? What brand do you prefer? Should I get one that is rated double my water compacity or one that is rated for just my tank size?


I have a aqua ultravoilet 15 watt on my 85 gallon tank with a rio 2100 pushing it. This combanation works great for me. NEVER had a ick breakout...
Make sure you get one that is rated double your water capacity.
Anthem, I read that it give me better water quality. There is no main reason. Right now it's a fowlr and down the line when I get more experience I'll try to convert to a reef. Thanks Lurch, double the capacity right?


Ya the ratings on them aren't right for saltwater. It says I can use a 8 watt but thats not enough power for my 85 gal. So I stick with whatever it recommends for gal useage I go one size up from that.


Well I not too familer on this subject. I based my decision on getting one from articles in FAMA about use on UV in the reef. It is a pro and con subject about it. It might not be doing anything for me. Since I had it on my tank I have clearer water alot less nuisance algae and never had a problem with ick. Going one size up was reccomended by ffexpress. I just took thier word for it. I've been doing reef tanks for not that long it is all trial and error for me because of so many pros and cons out there.


From what I've read the gph rating is the maximum that the uv light is effective and since this is a point of contact sanitizer that is the only measure I could go by when I purchased mine. Which by the way is going on a shark tank(heavy bio load).