UV sterilizer


I put a Jebo 9w UV sterilizer on my 55 gal. I was told this helps to prevent ICH and other parasites. I was also told it helps to keep the algea problem to a minimum. It seems the algea has grown more since adding the UV. Any suggestions?


how much flow do you have thru the uv? you want it to be fairly slow so the reaction can take place. also give it time to work and if you don't correct the reason why you have the algae you might not ever catch up with it.


also forgot, it will only kill the free floating algae not what has already grown.


Active Member

Originally posted by jbadge
I put a Jebo 9w UV sterilizer on my 55 gal. I was told this helps to prevent ICH and other parasites. I was also told it helps to keep the algea problem to a minimum. It seems the algea has grown more since adding the UV. Any suggestions?

I would guess that the 9w is small, I have a 55 and use a 25w. My experience is that it is helpful in preventing the spread of Ich and parasites, not stopping outbreaks though.
I personally only use the sterilizer when I intro new fish or if a problem arises. Remember that is indiscriminate in what it kills, so whatever comes across the uv path it will kill off.