UV sterilizer


Has anyone been able to tell if a UV sterilizer helps with ICK? I have 2 small hippo tangs in my reef tank and would get one if it helps. (tank raised and bought together, just FYI) I had an outbreak and they are currently in the hospital tank with the resident damsel.
Hey-I'm going to give you both ends of the spectrum on UV Sterilizers.
THE POSITIVE-UV Sterilizers are used exactly for the reason you posted. I'll make it simple and easy without getting into the terminology. It kills parasites and bacteria that flow through it. Simple as that. So in short, the answer to your question is yes.
THE NEGETIVE-I noticed in your heading that you have a reef tank. Some people say that a UV is not good for a reef tank because it kills some of the healthy particles and bacteria that corals consume. Just what I have read, but also read that they are extrememly beneficial.
In conclusion-With every other issue in this hobby there's people who agree and disagree, just one of the many reasons I like this hobby. I am thinking about getting one myself but just need to find the right one to put in between my canister filter and the tank (I know, nitrate factory, there won't be any media in there). Anyway, the choice is yours but to answer your question, it will cut down on "ICH".
I have a 8 watt U.V. unit from custom sea life and have been runing it for about four months 24/7 and I have a reef and have seen no down sides. My corals seem just as if not heathier than when I did not have it my water is also is as clear as crystal.


My bulb in my uv sterilizer has blown. What do I do, get another sterilizer or get another bulb??? I do not know because it came with setup. :mad:
Coralgryl, you just have to get a new bulb just take the old one to your LFS and see if they have a replacement if not find out what kind it is and you could find a place online that sells them.


Do I really need the UV Sterilizer? My set-up: 75 Gallon, 4 mushrooms, 3 Florida Anemones, cleanup crew, CC, Protein skimmer, 120lb live rock, emp 300 for waterflow, 2 additional ph for extra waterflow, 6 Damsels and 2pcs of white coral. Tank has been setup for about 6.5 mos. :eek:


New Member
I agree with everything "cosmo" said, but remember the life cycle of Ick - A UV sterilizer will only destroy the free living form of the parasite. A fish can carry a tissue cyst for its lifetime. If water conditions fall ar stress is induced an outbreak can still occur. In Short, in a stable tank I believe no UV sterilizer is needed, but in a stressed system, that is if your adding and changing things with any frequency, a UV sterilizer can definately help suppress disease outbreaks. However, A UV STERILIZER DOES NOT REPLACE BASIC AQUARIUM KEEPING TECHNIQUES!


Active Member
Hi guys and gal, Here is something to try for your ick problems...Try garlic, add garlic juice to your food a few minute before you feed, let it soak in and then feed, don't do it for more than four days though it will cause your tank to cloud. It works. As for uv's we have one on our 72 gal bow minireef, Everything in there is thriving. I'm in the process of looking for a new one for our 200gal. Later Lisa