Uv Sterilizer


New Member
I can get a uv sterilizer off my friend never been used should I get this and add it 2 my brother-in-laws tank.


Active Member
You can but be sure you research how to use it and what it's for. Sounds good to me if it's free but again research..research..research


Active Member
Anything for free is always good. However, as stated above, research how it should be used and hooked up.


New Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
You can but be sure you research how to use it and what it's for. Sounds good to me if it's free but again research..research..research
I was looking trough some old treads all I found that it kills everything that goes trough it. Parasites algea and bacteria. good and bad. The old threads said that even though it kills bacteria your rock should have a enough bacteria built up.


New Member
As far as the hook up my friend will help. And how it works. I think it is a turbo twist not sure.


Active Member
If it is a turbo twist you can mount it on the top of the tank. I have mine this way, instead of in line. The reasoning is that you can always remove it easier if you find it doesn't do what you were hoping it to do . I run mine four days on, 3 days off. (The light is turned off, but the water is still circulating.) This gives the tank that little bit of algae that the corals, and my fish want, without having to be a slave to the tank glass every single day. I can definately see the difference in the tank when the uv is turned off. Be sure to get the appropriate size pump for the application that you want to use it for. In order for it to kill parasites it needs a slow pump. Even with a uv you can still get ick etc., so don't skip the quarantine tank. I use it mainly to cut down on the algae, I run my lights a long time daily and this helps tremendously.