UV Sterilizer


i had a prob. posted earlier and someone responded that they don't run a uv.
How bout any of the rest of you?
And how bout a protein skimmer?
I want to get a better one, the one i have came on my wet/dry nothing exciting or anything
The person commented on it pulling out plankton and other essential things out of the water.
I'm not saying they're wrong by no means. I've been in this thing for about 4 years and still learning things every day. Still making changes for the better(I hope) I'm just asking for others experience. After all, that's what some of the replies are, some more experiences than what may really need to be.
Thanks in advance for your help!!!!!!


I know that there are many that don't think a UV steralizer is appropriate for a reef tank, but I have one on each of my mine. I add DT's phytoplankton 2-3 times a week for any nutrients that may be killed off by the steralizer. I, by no means, consider myself a 'reef professional', as ar probably 99% of the people that use this board, but I do know what has worked for me. One frequent complaint of the UV enemies is that it kills all of the 'good bacteria'. Any 'good bacteria' is intrinsic to the specific organism in the tank, ie. the fish have their own 'good bacteria'. In 10 years I have never had a fish die of a parasite, bacteria, or fungus. I also have never had a fish die of an oportunistic infection, which is what would happen if all of the 'good bacteria' were to be killed. I have also never had anything die of starvation due to the death of all of the 'plankton' in the tank. I also have never had an overpopulation of algae. So, like I said, I know what has worked for me. I'm sure that there are other opinions, but unless you have used a UV steralizer and everything in your tank died as a direct result of it (or almost everything), limit them to educated ones.


I went back and forth for a couple of Yrs. I now have UV on both tanks. I have a LOT less algae and very seldom get ick on the fish. I will keep useing them. I also give PT's planktom about once a week.