UV Sterilizer??

I have only found one post on this subject. I have had a problem in my tank with tich and something else. My wayer perameters are pristine BUT I kept getting ICH and also have lost a couple fish for no apparent reason.. So anyway... I have had my tank "fiahless" for weeks. I am hoping to have the ICH come into the water column and zap it with the UV..... Also, I guess it cant hurt to have it.....
How long do you run it?? 24/7?? I would assume so....
I have 75G 5'DSB and about 60 lbs of LR... I have corals and mushrooms too..TONS OG INVERTS... I am going to put 1 big yellow spotted box fish in there (LFS has on hold for me) until Its safe to put fish in there
Thoughts PLEASE.... I know not everyone has the same opinion on using a UV bit all suggestions wil be great;y appreciated
Amm 0
nitrites 0
nitrates <10
Ph 8.4
temp 76-78 degrees
no copper
no chlorine or chloramides
KH was 8 last I checked(good)
Oxygen was 7.. last I tested (good)
Thanking you kindly, Kim


The only thing is that the UV will only kill what goes through it. I would leave it fishless for a while longer and try the light. There is no guarantee that you will get it all with the light. Also it will kill everything in the water good and bad. I have one on my 125 reef for piece of mind, and it helps with the free floating algae. I have it on its own pump so not all the water is cycled throught it.