How big of a roll does a uv sterilizer play in keeping down your algea? Now that I think about it, that is probably one of its main functions. What do you think?
yeah definatly will keep your algae down. But i mean it will sterilize a lot more also. I dont know much about what they will actually eliminate in the water besides parasites but i mean they will keep your water looking awesome. I run one on my pond and it keeps the water crystal clear...i think they are a really good investment.
Originally posted by Armageddon
yeah definatly will keep your algae down. But i mean it will sterilize a lot more also. I dont know much about what they will actually eliminate in the water besides parasites but i mean they will keep your water looking awesome. I run one on my pond and it keeps the water crystal clear...i think they are a really good investment.
Ditto on that...the uv will kill the free floating plankton as well as parasites and free floating algea. in a FO or FOWLR is a good idea to have one, but in a reef it might do more harm than good. i have one on my 125gal FOWLR and within 2 days i noticed a huge difference in water clarity.
Considering that in "most" aggressive tanks it will be hard to keep a full clean up crew(snails,crabs,etc.)a UV light can be a beneficial tool in keeping algae (and parasites) in check.
Just make sure you run it at the "low end" of it's flow range...slower is better. Most people run the water through too fast for the UV light to be effective in killing organisms/algae.
Another factor to consider is some sort of "mechanical" filtration to remove organics "before" they have a chance to break down/put a load on your "biological" filtration system.
Yes, definitely put your pump for your UV right under the dump for the skimmer, after being filter flossed too of course. This will cut your maintenance mucho. Good luck. I use custom sealife, but I hear aqua is the name to go with.