Uv Sterilizers???


New Member
is it harmful to have one in an reef tank? what are the pro and cons of having one. i currently have one on my tank but it is an all fish tank at the moment i'm in the process of switching to and reef tank.....can anyone shed some light on this subject? :D


From what I understand....they are bad for a reef tank, good for a FO tank. I think that they sterilize the plankton and algae in the water, in addition to any parasites or other harmful organisms. If I am wrong, please correct me.


Active Member
One site I went to (can't post it as they also sell dry goods, etc) had this to say:
Can UV Sterilizers have negative effects?
Yes. UV can alter the structure of some dissolved chemical compounds, so you do not want to run your UV sterilizer when treating your aquarium with any drug or chemical medication.