V.I.P Lionfish

I got a dwarf lionfish from the LFS on Friday evening. He was eating, and all seemed well, however when I returned home this evening he had joined the large aquarium in the sky. He was eating, he was active in the tank, the water chemistry is as follows:
Ammonia: 0
Trates: 0
Rites: 0
ph: 8.3
I also got a Tomi Tang and was given a Rose pincushion sea urchin, and all is doing well. So any ideas what killed my Lionfish??


Originally Posted by DoggiePuffer
I got a dwarf lionfish from the LFS on Friday evening. He was eating, and all seemed well, however when I returned home this evening he had joined the large aquarium in the sky. He was eating, he was active in the tank, the water chemistry is as follows:
Ammonia: 0
Trates: 0
Rites: 0
ph: 8.3
I also got a Tomi Tang and was given a Rose pincushion sea urchin, and all is doing well. So any ideas what killed my Lionfish??
When they fall off the map after recently being purchased, and they are eating well...my first instinct is cyanide poisoning.


Active Member
is the cyanide poisoning just from the left over cyanide in their system after being caught in the wild using cyanide?


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
is the cyanide poisoning just from the left over cyanide in their system after being caught in the wild using cyanide?

allow me to edit
yep...I think...but not sure if it is cyanide left in the system or the direct effects of cyanide being used. Either way the end result is the same.
R.I.P = Rest in Peace. That sucks.... To bad their has not been any success in aquaculturing lionfish..... Generally, I as well will by Tank Raised.. All my clown fish are.


Active Member
Could be cyanide; but it could be many things, you'll never know for sure. Most lions do very well; always buy from reputable dealers...no guarantee, but it sure improves the odds. It has been a long time since I lost a fish and suspected cyanide; I buy all my fish online and know where they come from. (IMO, avoid fish from the Philippines right now.). If we depend on only home-grown, we sure are limited in our fish choices.
The Mgr said that fish that they order come from A&M. So who knows truely why he died. :-( At least I got the money back from the fish... My LFS gtd's marine fish or 7 days at least.
I don't think it is cyanide. I looked up A&M Aquatics, which is where my LFS gets its fish, coral and inverts from, and being that they are MAC Certified, it would have to be something else I guess. But I am going to wait til after I get my 75 up and running for a try another lionfish.


Active Member
Just accepting the fact that fish do occassionally die,without us knowing why, is a very tough part of this hobby for many folks. MANY more fish are lost in the long, stressful process that gets them from the reef to our tanks. But, hey, the ocean is a tough place to live and with very, very few exceptions; I doubt we do any damage to fish populations. (Didn't mean to make this thread contraversial, its just my nature.)