My puffer ( Ibelieve) had a fight with my V. Lion and the lion I found dead and the puffer is hiding with two what looks like sting marks from the Lion..the areas look like blisters..
Will the puffer die.. what should I do, is there any treatment
The wounds look like large blisters, it looks like the outer skin is raised off the body and is filled with fluid..the raised blister is milky whiteish, much like a human blister.
Offer him foods soaked in garlic and alternate that with zoecon. Are the wounds starting to heal up?
Keep optimum water conditions over the next month. Nothing stressful for the fish. The idea is to keep the fish's immune system going strong to see if infection can be handled by the fish without having to treat.
Do you have a QT? Have you done the supplements with the food I suggested?
He may need to go into a QT for antibiotic treatment if the wounds are getting worse.