Vacation Options?


I am going on a long weekend trip. I have a fish only tank. Will they be ok with no food for two and a half days? What are good options for longer trips? There is no one close by that could come and feed them every day. Thanks for your help!


Active Member
They will be fine. They make automatic feeders but most people don't want to rish using them because if they malfunction they can put all the food in your tank at once causing a huge ammonia spike. I have left my tank for 5 days before and the fish have been fine.


Thanks Alyssa and Rusting. I didn't think about the grazing in the tank. I won't worry about them now.


Feed them nicely before you go, and they will be fine.
Make sure your tank is syphon proof before you leave, incase powers goes out for awhile.


Active Member
Another thing you need to watch for is evaporation!!! How much water do you lose in a day? Do you have any tangs in there? Two days with no food, my tang's belly would sunk in. :happyfish


Food - Automatic Feeder
Light - Timers
Water - Aqua Doser
Power Outage - It's warm now so we don't have to worry about that but they make air bubblers that will automaticly kick in when they don't get supplied with electricty.
My buddy does this does this every month or two and works out great. He is usually gone for about a week or so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pco1988
Food - Automatic Feeder
Light - Timers
Water - Aqua Doser
Power Outage - It's warm now so we don't have to worry about that but they make air bubblers that will automaticly kick in when they don't get supplied with electricty.
My buddy does this does this every month or two and works out great. He is usually gone for about a week or so.
For me, those automatic feeder are more for FW fish. Since I feed mine frozen food, those will not work. It all depends on what you feed your fish. Two days isn't gonna hurt as long as you don't have any needy fish like a Tang that needs to eat twice a day. Automatic top off systems are nice to have, which I'm gonna get into one of these days. Light timers are nice if you work long schedules like I do, plus you don't have to turn it on and off on your own. :happyfish


New Member
what if you dont have timers for your lights? can you just let them live with no light for a couple days or let the light be on day and night?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Denman
what if you dont have timers for your lights? can you just let them live with no light for a couple days or let the light be on day and night?
Leaving the lights off won't hurt, but you'll have PH stability problems. Unless you run a fuge system with lights on all day and night. Fish still needs their lighting, that's the only time my fish comes out for food. I would really suggest in getting some timers, they're not that expensive. $10 for intermedic at Homedepot! :happyfish


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
For me, those automatic feeder are more for FW fish. Since I feed mine frozen food, those will not work. It all depends on what you feed your fish. Two days isn't gonna hurt as long as you don't have any needy fish like a Tang that needs to eat twice a day. Automatic top off systems are nice to have, which I'm gonna get into one of these days. Light timers are nice if you work long schedules like I do, plus you don't have to turn it on and off on your own. :happyfish
There are some automatic feeders that will except other foods than flake (not frozen) but just as good. You can find them on the Drs. forbidden website.


Lights...I had not even thought about them. I will get a timer hooked up to the lights. But, I do have a tang. Will he make it for 2 days or should I get the auto feeder? He prefers frozen shrimp, but will eat pellets, he is always hungry!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcmcg
Lights...I had not even thought about them. I will get a timer hooked up to the lights. But, I do have a tang. Will he make it for 2 days or should I get the auto feeder? He prefers frozen shrimp, but will eat pellets, he is always hungry!
Do you not feed algae strips?? You need to if you don't. Yes get a automatic feeder for the tang. I don't worry about the automatic feeder with my Naso Tang, he eats mysis shrimp that lives in my tank and also pods. He also grazes on the LR as well. :happyfish


Your Tang will graze also, i would not worry about him so much! I feed mine every other day so he will get off his Fins and look for food!