i have a pair of SFEs soon to have a blue ribbon. a SFE should have atleast 50-55gal but the bigger the bettr. their diet should include fish, krill, and shrimp. these guys need alot of lr for hiding places, PVC works to, i have an elaborate maze under my sandbed for my eels, though that is not needed to keep an eel. they can be kept w/ fish that will not fit in their mouths and sessile inverts such as corals and anenomes. they like the temp to be around 72-78f an pH around 8.1-8.4 an dKH 8-12, to feed i reccomend like a marshmallow roasting stick or a tooth pick, mine prefer the toothpick most likely cuz its smaller and less intimidating. ull no hes hungry when hes cruising around the tank lookin for food. make sure ur tank has a lid and has no escape holes, as they explore evrything in the tank, it reminds me of that scene in jurassic park where the guy who takes care of the raptors goes "theyre testing the fences". theyre alot of fun and their antics bring great joy to my elderly aunt. keep us updatd on progress and let us know if uve got any questions and/or probs.