Vacations can be destructful to this hobby!


Active Member
So I was going away for 2 weeks and was worried about what to do about my aquarium. Its a 45 gallon with a 20 gallon sump refugum(I have a 75 RR and a 30 gallon sump waiting to be set up), its been up for over 2+ years and doing well. I finally got Xenia growing in it for the last 6 months after having no success for the first year or so. The Yellow Tang is about 5", the mated Occelaris clowns are about3 1/2", Royal Gramma about 4" and 2 Engineer gobies about 10 inches or so. And that nasty little yellow tail damsel is about 2". Dozens of snails, hermit crabs, a cleaner shrimp and 5 peppermint shrimpa and about 3 emerald crabs. Also a nice size feather duster. Coral include about 8 good size Xenias, mushrooms galore, plenty of zoos of different kinds, A couple Kenya trees, frogspawn and a few green star polyps. All living happily in my tank. Time for vacation. My biggest concerns were feeding and water top offs. I did a big water change and checked all parameters before leaving, everything checked out perfect. I figured the fish could live off the live rock for the 2 weeks, i also threw in a handful of caluerpa from my refugium to keep my tang happy. Now to figure out about the water top offs. I picked up a JBJ ATO about 3 weeks before leaving and tested it for the 3 weeks, it worked perfectly. My only other concern would be the tank over heated but I decided to leave the AC on at 81 just to be safe. My wifes friend would be stopping in to check on things and I asked her to put a pinch of flake food in if she wanted. So now are my concerns are covered, The fish could live off the rock for the 2 weeks or posssibly a pinch of food, the water will be topped off, the AC will keep things from over heating and the lights are on a timer. Everything seems ok. The only thing that could screw things up is if I were to lose power for any length of time.
So off I go on vacation Tuesday morning. Wife hears from friend on Saturday but everything is fine, what a relief. Dont hear anything all week, man I needed this vacation. Friday I get a phone call from the wifes friend. She tells me that the water level in the sump is way above the level. (marked the sump and told her that the water should stay at that level.) So now I am worried that the top off unit malfunctioned and is not turniing off when it should. She then tells me that the lights arent on(they should have been on at that time) and that the water level in the tank is down. WHAT? Thats not right. I ask her if the light on the GFCI is on? HER:Whats a GFCI? ME: The white box plugged into the wall. HER: Nope. ME: Shoot, push the button to reset it? HER: Which button? ME:Whatever one turns everything on, push them both, youll know when you hit the right one. HER: OK I got it, hey the water level in the sump is dropping and the water level in the tank is back up again. That was fast. ME:
Are the lights on? HER: yes ME: Is there water coming out of the filter on the back? HER: Whats the filter: ME: The green box on the back. HER: I think so wait yes there is. ME: are you sure? HER yes. ME. Ok are the fish alive?
She only sees one Occellaris and describes what sound like my cleaner shrimp. She then sees the damsel but nothing else. I still have 3 days left of vacation before I know the full extent of the problem. I get home Sunday night and while unpacking the car, my daughter tells me that the fish tank is making a funny sound. I go in to find that the filter that had water coming out has been running dry for 3 days and is now shot. My losses include my yellow tang, the royal gramma, one clownfish, all my Xenia, all my GSPs, the feather duster, numerous Zoos, all the shrimp and so far 1 emeral crab. The tank had been sitting without power for possibly a week. Both engineer gobies, along with one clown and that darned damsel survived. The only thing that could have possibly gone wrong was to lose power and I lost power?
So, how was your vacation?


Active Member
I know right...I cant even go on vacations anymore...j/k
Everytime I have went away for more than 2 days something goes terribly wrong, But I can be home and not pay attention to it for a week and all is fine...I think the "sock-goblin" has a friend that comes over and crashes tanks


I have to go to Phoenix for the weekend, not quite a vacation but still leaving it unattended for 2 days.
Im scared, hold me =(


Active Member
Sorry for all the stuff you lost.I think you may be right about the sock-goblin. My last vacation was a success, no tank probs. when we got home. Came home early because I had to make sure everything was OK. 5 days away seemed like 50. I guess I'll try the whole week next year, fingers crossed. I hope you have better luck next time, maybe vacation near home if you are leary about it.


OHHH...I'm sorry to hear your lose. These kinda stories make me wanna start a fish keeping business. I can travel around to peoples house's and take care of there tanks while they are on vacation along with me being on vacation as can ya get a better deal


Active Member
Sorry about your loss

Ya'll are scaring me. We leave Monday on a 2 week vacation to Fl. I have my 19yr old nephew coming over to house sit our ZOO.
I have him coming over a few days early so I can go over everything and hopefully makesure he understands. That is my biggest worry is him just not getting that something is wrong. Wish me luck.


im leaving for vacation in 10 days! i still need to get a timer for my lights. my neighbor is taking care of my tank. hopefully everything goes ok


Active Member
Just got back yesterday from an 11 day trip. I have one less six line wrasse, a horrible cyano problem. The water was about 1 1/2" down from where it is normally at. Oh yeah, and I can't find the six line, but all my parameters are checking out just fine. All for the price of $100 to have my friend stay at my house.


I did a week last and because I am afraid of the flood etc from the home made sump I "disconnected" the sump/fuge and let the 75 gal stand alone. Came home to a wicked green hair algae mess, foul smell, lost my cleaner shrimp and my antheas. I cleaned up and got things looking better only to come home today to a flood. Lost most all the water but saved the fish. I thought I blew out a seam or something as the water was way down past the overflow and return and I see no other way of a siphon. Fuge return ran dry and had water in the other sections.
I have no idea why I had such a water loss! After cleaning out the tank and salvaging whayt I could into buckets, barrels, othet tanks, I filled the 75 with fresh water (out side) and it has not lost a drop???
I go away for another week in August. I wonder what awaits my return....


Active Member
goodness that's horrid :( more and more i'm thinking i'm going to just buck up and have one of the LFS in the area come and check on my tank while away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
Sorry about your loss

Ya'll are scaring me. We leave Monday on a 2 week vacation to Fl. I have my 19yr old nephew coming over to house sit our ZOO.
I have him coming over a few days early so I can go over everything and hopefully makesure he understands. That is my biggest worry is him just not getting that something is wrong. Wish me luck.
only thing i can suggest for this long of a time is make sure your nephew knows to top off with fresh water, not salt!


Active Member
i know. i came back from a 3week vacation and it was a mess. nothing like you. sorry to hear. i make sure i find someone who knows what they are doing and pay them to help make sure they do a good job. i only pay half up front tho and if i come back and see everything worked out good then i give them the other half. again sorry for your loss. best wishes


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
only thing i can suggest for this long of a time is make sure your nephew knows to top off with fresh water, not salt!
Thanks Renogaw, That's the plan. I'm planning on having 10 1gallon jugs filled with ro/di water lined up. The top off is approx. 1/2 gal a day, but I'm going to show him the line I use to make sure it is that level. I don't have a sump, only a dt. Keep your fingers crossed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
Thanks Renogaw, That's the plan. I'm planning on having 10 1gallon jugs filled with ro/di water lined up. The top off is approx. 1/2 gal a day, but I'm going to show him the line I use to make sure it is that level. I don't have a sump, only a dt. Keep your fingers crossed.
no sump will make you be able to enjoy your vacation a tad better.


Active Member
OMG Train that sux... I just came back from a weeks vacation and I guess I was one of the lucky ones.. Aside of a few things getting moved around prob by one of my huge snails everything was good.
I had a friend house sit for us, I have 2 dogs that she was watching too. But I typed out very specific instructions on what to watch out for and how the tank is supposed to look. If the lights arent on in the evening call... I know that the pumps and the power heads were all on the same gfci so if the lights werent on its an immediate red flag. I also bought one of those day of the week pill containers that people use to keep on their perscription schedules. Got it for a buck at a local store. I cut all the frozen food up in the quantities that I normally give and put them in according to the days of the week we would be gone. Then I put a separate cup with it and told them to make sure you put the days food in this cup first before you put it in the tank this will make sure you dont oops and drop the whole weeks worth of food in my tank. I also left a 5 gal bucket right in front of the tank with fresh RO water in it and a cup to top off. I said one full cup a day and there wont be any airbubble issues if there are put in one more if that doesnt get rid of them CALL ME... well everything went perfect... Although I know i was fortunate enough to have a house sitter.. sorry for your loss man.


awwweey! That is awful train. And man should I have cashed in on the free xenia! I could have just borrowed it and given it back to ya!!!!


Thats BS, that really sucks. You know, it seems like whenever your not away and sitting at home, you barly look over your tank and it is running fine but the first time you go on vacation for 2 weeks, everythign comes crashing. Ive had my tank crash too while I was gone for 2 weeks. The last thing to die was my 9months old Elegance Coral that are really hard to keep. Mine was so healthy and it was growing. I lost my fish, my corals, clam, everything.

who dey

Active Member
sorry for your losses!!!
I will be going on vacation on friday for 10 days and feel very fortunate my neighbor is a fellow saltwater hobby enthusiast and is familiar with my system.


Sorry for your losses. You know I've been wondering why is that every time people go on vacation there tank crashed, but then if you are not on vacation it's seems that your tank is fine. I don't really have any ideas how could that happened.