Valentini Puffer and Wartskin Frogfish?

small triggers

Active Member
as long as the frogfish is smaller than the puffer, which would mean teenie tiny seeing as how the puffer would need to be rather small. you could totally do the frogfish,,, it jsut may eventually eat the puffer ( i would do a few damels instead). bioload is only really going to depend on how often you feed, and if you have good filtrations.

small triggers

Active Member
yep,,, id get some cheap chromis maybe or if you like a specific kind. Frogfish dont usually get harrassed since they blend in so well. I would just be afraid the puffer would be eaten.


Yeah i think i will just add some damsels to the take cause i don't want the puffer to die...
Frogfish + Damsels = species only


The wartskin grows to all of 3 1/2-3.9 inches. The puffer grows to the same size. I would be more concerned that the puffer or damsels may pick at the frogfish being it is a slow fish. I would trust the puffer over the damsels quite honestly.

small triggers

Active Member
as long as the damsels arent full grown. Damsels dont normally pick on frogfish or anglerfish, seeing as how they are usually a little snack for then.


Originally Posted by small triggers
as long as the damsels arent full grown. Damsels dont normally pick on frogfish or anglerfish, seeing as how they are usually a little snack for then.
How many damsels have you owned? They are nasty, nippy, little fish who will easily harass a fish many times their size. They do it often, and especially to a fish that gets larger than they will ever grow.

small triggers

Active Member
i dont own any damsels, though i have 2 maroon clowns. My lfs has had a smaller/med sized yelow frogfish in with 4 yellowtailed blue damsels and 2 of the dominos for a few months now in a 35g. the damsels range in size from as big as his mouth to almost as big as him, every now and then the owner has to put in a new one or 2 as they get eaten. has never seen the damsels pck on the frogfish.