Valentini puffer fish

Are they compatable with reefs? I know my guy doesnt eat corals because the tank i got him from also had corals in it but will he munch on my featherduster / hermits and snails?
any responses appreciated
!!!! :mad: noo my poor inverts... can anyone confirm this?
also i heard that they are somewhat poisionous...if it dies will the toxins hurt my other fish?


I am about 99% sure that he would enjoy to eat your crabs and if you have any shrimp. I've know people to try snails with them, but I'm not sure if they tried to eath them. sorry :(


Active Member
Shrimp, crabs and small snails will become a meal. Just a matter of time. They do have poisen within their body. It only affects other animals if the eat the puffer. Dieing in your tank should have no affect but like all fish should be removed if possible. No need to stress your bioload. Valentini's are great fish, just not good with their main diet;)
Here's mine:


Active Member
if they are small enough for him to eat more than likely they will become a meal even if they are of good size they may still become a meal also remember he will not be an inch and a half forever