Valentini Puffer Rubbing Against LR


I have a Valentini Puffer who is scratching himself against the LR... He does not appear to have ick and the water parameters are fine... Is this a symtom for another disease as well? THe other fish are fine and have been fine...


Staff member
Use a magnifying glass to look at his flesh closely to see if you detect any parasites.
Start feeding the fish 3x a day with meaty foods soaked in freshly minced garlic. Mince up the garlic in the same dish that you will place the meaty foods [no flakes] then place garlic food in the fridge for 30 mins to give the garlic time to soak in real good. You must preserve the garlic juice, so make sure you mince the garlic, then place the food in the same dish that you did the mincing. If you can use seafood such as the kind you find at the seafood counter at the grocery store, then better. Food process the seafood with a chunk of fresh garlic.
I can't promise that this will prevent an all-out outbreak but its worth a try.
Think about setting up a Quarantine. If ich breaks out, then you will need to treat the fish with hyposalinity. You can remove your rock and place it in large rubbermaid container with a couple of good powerheads going.
What inverts do you have? Inverts will also have to be removed.


Meaty Foods like mysis and brine shrimp, I have. Then soak them in a garlic solution... Or is it better to buy cocktail shrimp(or something like that) and mix in minced garlic with that...
Then... after feeding 3x a day, do i stop feeding them after the parasites are no longer visible or is there a time frame to how long to feed them?
I have scarlett hermit crabs and turbo snails....
Thanks for your help. It is greatly appreciated...


By minced garlic do u mean, the crunchy stuff, the minced garlic in juice, or do u mean a garlic clove that u mince your self? And which one do you think works best? Thanks again...