Valentini puffer


Would a valentini puffer be OK in a 150G with a SFE, Foxface, Blue tang and a Marron clown? I saw an awesome one at the LFS, but decided to research before I get. Everything I've read on this and other sites say yes, but I wanted some opinions before I decide.

small triggers

Active Member
as long as hes 2x the size of the SFE's mouth,,, if not he may attempt to try to eat it (since puffers kinda hover) other than that,, the other fish could possibly be a bit agressive, but if you move around some rock that may not be a factor.


The SFE is about 18 inches or so. The puffer I saw at the LFS is about the same size as my maroon clown, which the SFE totally ignores so far. Does this mean the clown is a possible snack very soon??? I keep the SFE well fed(I hope). I could move some rock which would probably annoy the SFE as it has managed to dig tunnels around several pieces of my rock.

it's chuck

should be fine I had a large SFE in with a 3.5" bluespot toby never had any problems. I wouldn't worry too much about aggression you tank is plenty big for your stocklist and you have no dupilcation (nothing that your current fish would see as competition) just acclimate with the lights out and you should be good to go


Originally Posted by It's Chuck
should be fine I had a large SFE in with a 3.5" bluespot toby never had any problems. I wouldn't worry too much about aggression you tank is plenty big for your stocklist and you have no dupilcation (nothing that your current fish would see as competition) just acclimate with the lights out and you should be good to go

I always acclimate with the lights off for at least 24 hours. If I get it it will be in the QT tank for awhile first though.


you'll be fine with the Val, I have one with a SFE 12inches, never had a problem. Housed with 3 chromis, HB angel, domino Chro, royal gramma, 5 pep shrimp, 3 cleaner shrimp


Originally Posted by Indy2009
you'll be fine with the Val, I have one with a SFE 12inches, never had a problem. Housed with 3 chromis, HB angel, domino Chro, royal gramma, 5 pep shrimp, 3 cleaner shrimp
You were able to keep a shrimp with a SFE? My friend had his pep shrimp disappear in the SFE stomach within minutes of putting him in the tank. Then the eel wanted more.


Yes, doing fine so far I feed my SFE a couple of small pieces of raw seafood meats daily, how often does your bud feed his? When I first introduced the shrimp to the tank, only one that went after the shrimp nipping at them was the Val Puffer, Val now goes up too my peppermints trying to get them to clean him


Originally Posted by Indy2009
Yes, doing fine so far I feed my SFE a couple of small pieces of raw seafood meats daily, how often does your bud feed his? When I first introduced the shrimp to the tank, only one that went after the shrimp nipping at them was the Val Puffer, Val now goes up too my peppermints trying to get them to clean him
I feed my SFE every 2-3 days. I'm not sure how often my friend feeds his SFE. When I had my puffer, he would love the cleanup crew I put in as they eventually became snacks after the lights were out.