valentini saddle

i bought 1 friday and hes a great fish, very curious and interactive and he's always checking this and that out but the 1 problem im having is lack of him eating, friday i tried a few pieces of mysis which he chewed up and spit out then sat i tried the mysis again which he didnt even bother with then i tried brine sinking pellets which he chewed up seemed to eat alittle then lost intrest i also tried formula 2 sinking pellets which i was told from the lps he ate but he only nibbled on then today i went to shoprite and bought some raw seafood salad, its octopus clam squid and cuttlefish and again he only nibbled and spit it out, not to concerned yet as its only been 2 days but i was wondering if someone can share any experience with me on there saddleback hes only about 2inches and hes in a 10gal isolation right now with about 15lbs of lr and 2 to 3 inches of sand, amm 0 nitri 0 nitra 10ppm with sal at .025


Active Member
I wouldn't worry yet. Give him time. Watch all the stuff you're putting in that he's not eating. Remove it in time so as to not foul your water.
Hopefully he'll come around. I have yet to find anything that my valentini won't eat.
thanks for the reply guys, he seems to be more interested eating off my live rock, so as long as he's eating something im not concerned