Velvet disease?


Active Member
Depends on the fish and condition. Could be hours to a few days left untreated. It kills rapdily.


Staff member
It also Spreads rapidly, so if you are dealing with velvet, you will need to get moving on treating your fish.


I don't know if I have it or not, I have a clown fish that in the morning looks like it has a white powder on it, but it seems to go away by night time. Now my purple pseudo is rubbing on the rocks and might have it also. what do I do to save the fish? Take all the rocks out to catch and treat all of them. How do I set up a hospital tank? I have a 10 gallon is that enough for 7 fish? Can this kill all my fish?


Staff member
Definately, velvet.
Use Cupramine copper treatment and maintain a concentration of .30 ppm for at least three weeks. [You can go as high as .35] Best to set up a hospital tank for the treatment of all fish. YOU CAN NOT put copper in your main tank if you have LR, LS or inverts. You will need a copper test kit in order to ensure adequate levels of the copper are maintained for the duration of the treatment period.


This clown fish has been having this for a good while now and shows no signs of distress. He eats like a pig, he doesn't breath heavy, he doesn't swim eractically, seems normal. Someone said it might be a type of fungus since he is absent of all these other symptoms.


Staff member
Marine fish rarely get fungus. If the appearance or the disease looks as if the fish has been sprinkled with salt, then you are dealing with ick. The fact that the fish has had this for a long time, suggests that it is ick, and not velvet. Velvet is fast and deadly. Velvet are smaller particles than the salt size ick, and has the appearance of being dusted on the fish [kinda like sandpaper shavings] rather thank sprinkled with salt.
You don't say if you can establish a hospital tank or not, but establishing one would be my adivse.
Also, do you have inverts and live rock, live sand? It is hard to advise you, if we can't get the total picture of what you can offer in terms of treating this fish.
In the meantime, in absense of doing anything while you decide what this problem is, go ahead and start feeding the fish with garlic soaked food. If you at least do this, you will be addressing, to some extent, ick, and, to greater extend, your fishes' immune systems.


Thanks for trying to help me Beth. I have a 135 with 250 lbs of rock most of it live. I have countless inverts well the good news if you want to call it that, is maybe it is not velvet if it kills that fast. Actually I noticed something on this fish not long after I got it. And that has been at least a month ago. What leads me to believe it might be some kind of slime on him is this. Every morning when the lights come on and he comes out, his body is nearly covered with tiny air bubbles. Eventually when the slime "possibly" gets better the bubbles fall off and don't return till the next morning again. This happens to no other fish I only have about 6 of them. The Psuedo seems to be fine at first I thought he had the same thing but I guess I'm so paranoid I saw something that wasn't there on him, now the clown is a different story he definitly has something going on. But since it has been many days maybe even weeks, hopefully it is not the treaded velvet I first thought. Have you heard of "Melafix", it is for slime and fungus etc. is this a safe product for a reef it is suppose to be. I just looked at the fish very closely, again today he is acting normal and eating like a pig. All the bubbles are gone most of the gunk has cleared up, but he still has the little discolorations on him. And his body is almost black so you can see there and also discorations on his fins, little round discolorations. Gee I don't know what the heck it is :(