Velvet finger Coral :)


I have a chance to get a 8 in piece of velvet finger coral, it is purple. Anyone out there ever had this type. It is supposed to be moderate to keep, I have 40watt 20,000 k white light, 40 watt atinic blue, and 2 , 15 watt 50/50 coral life bulbs. Do you think this is enough light and is it pretty easy to keep? Also does it grow happidly?


Active Member
what size tank do you have? im thinking its a purple montipora frag. and these guys are one of the easier sps corals to keep, however, they still require a ton of light
good luck


Active Member
if it is a purple monti, i would say no. you dont have enough lighting to keep it. can you describe the coral and polyps at all? is it a soft coral or hard, and if it is hard, what doed it look like, kind of lighting is it under, etc?


Anyone have a pic of a purple monti? I am assuming you are talking about a digitata. I have a green and a brown digitata and am hoping to get a yellow soon. How many color morphs are there?


Here is a picture of it. REALLY i dont have enough light. Foster Smith says it is easy care and moderate lighting? Man i hope so.


NO IDEA I thought it looked cool , and I researched and thought it was velvet finger. It's polyps arent in really great shape. It is soft to the touch, a little bendy.


I have researched this alot , also looked at the briarium sp. and I cant find anything that looks like it. The (bulbs) seem to have and outreached 4-5 very short tentacle type coming out of them as if they were feeding. They sway with the current.


I found in Live there is a coral named Montipora Digitata coral purple aquacultered. Does anyone know if this is supposed to be a smooth or polypy coral. The picture on this sight makes it look smooth. Mine is not . Any ideas????
First I will say that I have seen this coral (kind of coral) listed as several different things from branching briarium to purple sponge. I personally believe that it is a type of briarium perhaps even Briarium asbestinum although I think a positive ID is tough. If it is a Briarium asbestinum then it has been suggested that they (Briarium asbestinum) kill gorgonia and encrust their (the gorgonian) skeleton giving them a branching or tree like shape.
IME It likes lower light and it needs strong flow and fed to thrive. Each of the "bumps/pips" should develope a polyp extention and will look much like any other star polyp or encrusting gorgonian polyp when healthy.
PS If you happen to find a "book and page number" please post. Good Luck
PPS what you have is not Montipora Digitata IMO


That would be really great if that is what it is . Thanks for the imput. Your right it looks like a star at the tips when there out. SOme looked smashed from shippment , I hope it will be ok


This coral has turned out to be a beautifull thing. THanks to all that helped. When it is opened it looks like one big handfull of stars. AWESOME!!! THANKS