Velvet sea slug

Does anybody know anything about these things? Also, what about the purple nudibranch? What are the best nudibranches/sea slugs are there to keep and how do they go in reef tanks? Thanx!


Active Member
most sea slugs eat a combo of algae and sponges,trunicates,
most die slow in a reef tank , because of lack of food , here this is a Chromodoris Magnifica, , Took me an hour to get him out of my sump, AGAIN,:( ,Pesky little slug, but for some reason does well, is all over the tank and has chewed on some of my sponges,:)
Wow! He's really pretty! How well would a sea slug do in a 75 gallon? And wehn, if at all, should it be introduced? Thanx again! Here's a nice pic I found of the velvet sea slug


Active Member
Jillian, the slug you seek is a Chelidonura Varians, feed on flatworms, you must have lots of them, when they are gone the slug will die, they are rarely offered for sale,come from Indo pacific, although I saw one for 25 bucks,:) IMO just admire them in pictures, not good for a reef tank;)


Hey Jillian that looks more like a ( Head Sheild Nudibranch ) reef safe eat flat worms


well when I bought some lr and coarls attached to lr the came with it ,so to answer your question ( yes and yes )


Active Member
the lettuce nudibranch is good for a reef- eat algae and are photosyenthetic- so it can also produce its own food


.I guess I shoulnt beleive everything I read from Jullian Sprung. Thanks Plum


Active Member
There are too many names for these guys im cufused :confused:
I saw Julian Sprung speak tonite At FMAS is Dania, about Nano Reefs very interesting, :)


Active Member
Just to add I learn everything I know about sea slugs at the Sea slug forum , Dr Bill Rudman is the Sea Slug Guru,:)