VENTING over ***** !!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was at the ***** on lehigh st. in Allentown, Pa and I must let everyone know that this must be the worst ***** for saltwater fish. The tanks are the pits and not a single fish looked good. ***** should be baned from selling saltwater fish. The manager of this store should be fired or at least treated the same way he treats the saltwater fish. Also there is not one single person that works there taht knows anything about what fish are reef safe and which fish are not reef safe.


Active Member
There are lots of negative ***** threads and most are with just cause.
Rather than reply with additional ***** bashing which is the norm allow me to wonder a bit off topic.
PETCOs problems are the same as virtually every other large corporation in this country. AT the executive level 6 and 7 figure salaries and bonuses are expected and payed!
The people that actually do the work and are responsible for producing and maintaining the product that makes those executive salaries possible however are not even offered a living wage. In most cases they cant even afford to clock out turn around and go back into the store and purchase the product they have been responsible for during there work day.
Eventually these corporate policies will succeed in completely destroying the people they depend on to buy there product and that will be the end of the road for many. The real outrage will come when those at the top are fired due to this and take an additional 7 figure severance package and someone else is left to clean up the mess.


Active Member
The state of *****'s fish, the means by which they are collected, handled, imported, etc are well known.
The pet store industry can be responsible or irresponsible. For example, PetLand is the chain store in my area that sells dogs. The dogs they sell usually come from puppy mills. I am a firm believer that dogs should come from two places: Adoption organizations and AKC recognized, licensed, and inspected breeders. To me, this is akin to what you describe with *****, namely in the way I regard it. PetLand (at least the one closest to me) has an outstanding saltwater fish section, albeit small. However, I won't buy a fish there ever, or anything else for that matter. Why? Because of the dogs.
Long story short, the solution to the problem is to not shop there.... for anything. Find out who the store manager is, write him a letter using US Mail, send a copy to ***** corporate headquarters, and indicate in the letter to the store manager that you copied HQ.
The only reason we still receive SPAM is because some sucker actually responds to the offers. The only reason that ***** is selling crappy fish is because somebody buys them.


Active Member
If you really are against *****, don't ever purchase anything from them and if you know anyone that does, share with them why they should shop elsewhere for whatever they are purchasing. The only way they will change their ways is if they begin to lose money. If people continue to buy things from them, they will continue to use the same practices. All the corporate people see are numbers. As long as the numbers are up, they think everything is operating great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
If you really are against *****, don't ever purchase anything from them and if you know anyone that does, share with them why they should shop elsewhere for whatever they are purchasing. The only way they will change their ways is if they begin to lose money. If people continue to buy things from them, they will continue to use the same practices. All the corporate people see are numbers. As long as the numbers are up, they think everything is operating great.

I second that.


Active Member
They will look at the aquatic department bottom line. Buying food or equipment there has practically the same effect as buying fish, it goes in the "+" column for the department.


Ok I was at my ***** last nite they had one new fish with ick. Now can you put the blame on this store since this fish came in with the ick? The ***** close to me is clean and has a reef owner caring for there tanks. I wounder how many of you would be willing to go to work in your local ***** and help make them beter that is what this guy has done in my town.

my way

Active Member
This topic has been discussed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Does'nt anyone get tired of bashing *****?


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
This topic has been discussed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Does'nt anyone get tired of bashing *****?
If you're going to bash ***** then don't forget about all the LFS's that do the same thing as ophiura has said in just about every ***** thread that has been started.


Active Member
The only ***** I have ever been in is the one near my house and I must say I am impressed. The store is always clean and they take very good care of their animals. I was especialy impressed with the whole fish area. All the fish are well taken care of including the saltwater fish. I have spoken with the people that care for them and a few of them are very knowledgeable about what they sell and they are constantly passing that info on to other employees. Their tanks are clean, fish are well fed. I just wish they offered better variety of equipment.
I know there are a lot of Petcos that really suck and should be closed down but this is not one of them.


*****'s are to pets what mcdonald's are to hamburgers. you shouldn't be expecting so much from them. that's why most saltwater transactions are done at specialty stores. ***** & its employees have to manage a lot more than the saltwater fish there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
This topic has been discussed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Does'nt anyone get tired of bashing *****?



Originally Posted by Murph
There are lots of negative ***** threads and most are with just cause.
Rather than reply with additional ***** bashing which is the norm allow me to wonder a bit off topic.
PETCOs problems are the same as virtually every other large corporation in this country. AT the executive level 6 and 7 figure salaries and bonuses are expected and payed!
The people that actually do the work and are responsible for producing and maintaining the product that makes those executive salaries possible however are not even offered a living wage. In most cases they cant even afford to clock out turn around and go back into the store and purchase the product they have been responsible for during there work day.
Eventually these corporate policies will succeed in completely destroying the people they depend on to buy there product and that will be the end of the road for many. The real outrage will come when those at the top are fired due to this and take an additional 7 figure severance package and someone else is left to clean up the mess.
Somebody has something against people making money. Do you think the 7 figure salaries are handed out for fun or because those people are producing and earning it.

sign guy

Active Member
while everyone is venting about ***** I noticed no one has mentioned wall marts fish. I know they ara just fw but @ my wm. about half the fish are dead every time I go in there.


Originally Posted by sign guy
while everyone is venting about ***** I noticed no one has mentioned wall marts fish. I know they ara just fw but @ my wm. about half the fish are dead every time I go in there.
ahhhh!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!! i forgot they sold DEAD fish!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumping: