define what you mean by venturi skimmer. Traditionally "real" venturi skimmers pull air in after the pump. examples would be all beckett nozzle skimmers, Top fathom, Bermuda Aquatics, ELOS natural venturi skimmers
there are a ton of "aspirating skimmers" which include needle wheels that are called "venturi" skimmers because they have a cheesy attachment on the front end of the pump but all these pull in air in front of the pump propeller/wheel and arent technically venturi skimmers.
In general the venturi skimmers can be made to handle larger capacities and aspirating (needlewheels included) skimmers are more efficient.
its not hard to see why "theoretically". a needlewheel has to draw air and pump water. as it draws in more air less water is pumped. at some size point you are asking alot of a pump to fill a large body with air AND pump water adequately thru it. this doesn't really seem to be an issue with hobby size skimmers and you dont need a powerful pump to draw alot of air and a little water (pulling air actually lightens the load on the pump). whatever the case turnover (amount of tank water processed) suffers when the pump(s) is also asked to draw air. with venturi skimmers (and down draft and aquaC nozzle) the pump is only directly asked to pump water. everything else happens down stream from there. they require high pressure pumps to push water and air past the nozzle used to mix and chop the air/water and pull air in downstream thru the venturi(the part that makes the "venturi" significant and the actual need to work well. needlewheels rely on the needle wheel design to draw air well. venturi skimmers actually rely on a good venturi to draw air and some form of nozzle afterwards to mix/chop). the need for large pumps to work well (even on smaller ones) make them inefficient (not in operation but in power consumption) but they are processing alot of water and building larger ones dont have to take into consideration balancing good air pull with enough water pressure to pump thru the large skimmer. bigger skimmer just requires bigger pump and perhaps bigger or more nozzles/venturis.
notice I said theorically. how big is "really big" and what size tank?