Very aggresive ANGEL .. WOW!


I have a 125 gallon tank.. I lost 3 of my 5 inhabitants.. due to loose voltage in my tank.which ultimatley stressed the fish out. (ICH). Only my tessalata andmy PASSER angel lived. 2 days ago i baught a large sailfin tang (red sea). As soon as i put that Guy in
MR. King(5 in) was all over him like white on rice. Biting him and backing into him. The angel did not let up.. I removed the tang within 30 min. This poor guy had deep scratches... bite marks.. nipped fins...and gasping for air like an asthma victim without a pump. I wouldnve nevr thunk it!..such actions from my gorgous angel. Oh and i also added a lime green wrasse 6 in and this guy hides all day... the angel cant catch him but the wrasse obviosly has no deffense twords My PASSER.
Im upset.. because now alot of the color is limited to what i can put in my tank. Im thinking only triggers puffers lions and groupers are the only fish that can be added. Not that i want.. But ive heard that they are the biggest shark and ray killers also. Ive seen 1 queen angel nipping a leapord shark in the top fin= (Bloody shark).


Take the Angel out. Re-arrange the rocks. Put him back in after all your other fish. He should be fine then. Just leave him out of the tank for a week or 2 so he looses his territory, and move the rocks. Simple as that. Keep us updated!


Active Member
Passer angels are one of the most aggressive angels, if not the most aggressive. They usually need to be the last added to the tank for this reason. If you want to add more fish, you may need to trade in the angel. Even if you take him out for some time, he will just become territorial again once you reintroduce him to the tank.
Also, angelfish, in general, are not safe with sharks and rays. Most angels will take the eyes out of sharks and rays.


You guys are absolutler right... I already returned the sailfin and the wrasse hides alot... But i just baught a porc puffer & a huma... there aclimating as we speak. They will b going in shortly.... ill keep you guys posted


Thanks lion... Your hopes has helped. I have added both Porc Puffer and Huma trigger & everything is fine. Naturally The Passer angel took lil nips at both fish when they were 1st introduced showing them whos boss. Now the only major action is a lil brush here and there,, just as a freindly reminder ofcourse. If only the tang were so lucKY


Active Member
Well I am glad to hear that everything is going well for you now so far. I am in the exact opposite situation. I just added a Maculosis Angel to my tank and right away, my Kole Tang wanted to let him know who is boss. He is a lot more calm now, though (2 days later).


a killa cole... thats cool. give it a while.. im asuming you have a lion .. which will always be the king of any tank minus any aggresive triggers that may be around, large angel tend to domonate and can even intimidate triggers. Iv'e found angels to be the most terratorial breed so far (once establised ofcourse) thats a great angel good luck!!